Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Box of 12 Cigars

Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto

12er Kistli Cigars

Discovered and appreciated by connoisseurs
With the aim of developing a blend that highlights both sweet and bitter taste nuances, our tobacco experts have followed previously unfamiliar paths. After an extensive search through the most famous tobacco-growing areas in the world, they found exactly what they needed in the fiery earth of Nicaragua’s forty volcanoes. Because that’s where the tobacco plants thrive, which would transform Davidoff’s unique know-how and instinct for what makes a good cigar into the new Davidoff Nicaragua. The adventure was indeed worth it. Experiencing this does not require a trip to exotic countries – the enjoyment of Davidoff Nicaragua will carry you there by itself.

Earthy aromas and spicy, peppery notes
Format: Robusto
Cover: Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado (matured for 10 years)
Cover: Habano Jalapa
Insert: Esteli Viso, Condegas Ligero, Ometepe Viso and 1/4 Esteli Ligero

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*Free shipping for orders over CHF 250.

CHF 273.60


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